Obagi Medical

Obagi Medical Products are some of our most comprehensive treatment options for those seeking to minimize the the look of premature aging in a strategic system. Founded in 1988, these prescription strength treatments have historically proven their advantage through many clinical studies.

For those who are committed to seeing their best skin reveal itself, the Obagi systems are tried and true within many dermatologist and physician run offices like our own. We often like to discuss these treatment plans with our patients who suffer from conditions such as hyperpigmenation, melasma, or acne. Please contact us at shop@skinrejuvenationclinic.net  if you're planning on investing in our prescription strength options or full transformation kits.

For important safety information on the Obagi NuDerm prescription products, such as tretinoin or hydroquinone, click here. 

Brand Highlights: Comprehensive systems with prescription strength results, Condition focused, Cruelty free